Note book readers ;)


I have to be different

 I have a poem i just wrote, that i want to share:

You can be you, and i can be i. But don't even think for a moment or two, that you have to be like any other type of person, your no other type of fellow. It doesn't matter if you drink Coke or Mellow Yellow, so don't think for a moment, my dear Mellow Yellow drinker, that you can't be a lover, a fighter, a thinker. So please don't think even for a moment or two that a person  has to be like you, too.

You can tell i just made that up right??? Yeah, i did. Strange... Here's some more zebra pics:

All love,


Corrina <3 <3

1 comment:

Talia said...

We're all born originals, there's no reason as to why you should die a copy.

Your poem reminded me of that saying.