Note book readers ;)


My top ten favorite songs of all time

   Okay, so hi all you guys who are reading this!! So this post is pretty much a list of my ten favorite songs.
So here's my ten all time favorite songs;

1. Enchanted (Taylor Swift, Speak now)
2. Hello goodbye (The Beatles, Magical mystery tour)
3. Haunted (Taylor Swift, Speak now)
4. You belong with me (Taylor Swift, Fearless)
5. Something (The Beatles, Abbey road)
6. Mine (Taylor Swift, Speak now)
7. TikTok (Kesha, i have no idea)
8. Until the whole world hears (Casting crowns, Until the whole world hears)
9. 1983 (Moses Leroy, electric pocket radio)
10. And now my favorite song of all time! Love story (Taylor Swift, allot of albums!)

Well, that's it!!!If you like any of these songs please tell me so, if you don't then to bad! These are the best songs ever!

Well, bye!

Peace, luv, and rock&roll!

Corrina <3<3

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