Note book readers ;)


I never thought i'd say this....

  TO MUCH CHOCOLATE!!!! Aughhh, i'm full of chocolate, i eat, sleep, and breath chocolate! Lindt chocolate bunny, gone! Chocolate pastry, gone! Hershy chocolate bar T-shirt from Walmart, ON! Oh gosh, i don't feel to good.... KIDDING! Ha! late april fools joke!!! I got ya, didn't i?? I actually feel GREAT, but i have eaten lot's and lot's of that yummy cocoa! And i am wearing my Hershy's T! Oh, and i had fudge today!!!

 NEWS FLASH!!!   Remember Kristine? Shannon, i know you do! Well, i'll tell you about her. She is this really cute little girl with extremly curly hair, she's 3 now, and we used to foster her and we might ADOPT her!!!! Oh gosh, well, we don't know now if it's positive but we hope! Oh, Shannon, she is not Kristine now, she's Princess! That's what she wants to be called now. She is amazing! Oh, in order for us to get her, me and Cass need to move into my parents room. Oopppsie, gotta study!

Luv y'all<3



1 comment:

It's, Her... said...

You might adopt Kristine!I'm sooooooooooooooooo happy for you guyz. tell me how it works out!
P.S. I got a Lindt chocolate bunny too! (virtual high5)