Note book readers ;)



Today was the Valentines day breakfast, and i was not in with the kids, i was a woman! And then we took Krista over! We took a bunch of weird pictures in the car with her mom's cell phone.

   Oh yeah, did i forget to mention that i blew up pudding in a microwave?!?! WEEEELLL, i sort of did.... HA HA! Hey, i followed the instructions!!! So don't go all "LOL! This idiot didn't know what she was doing!". I DID KNOW I WAS DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEAR ME!?!?!?

We also called Krista's boy friend Shawn, yup, i txted him.... Yeah.....

 Weeellll, bye!

Peace luv, and um, cell phones?!?!



♥Cupcake Diva♥ said...

OMG you blew up pudding in a microwave?!?! LOL
So your American? Well, I'm aussie.

How old are you?

-♥Cupcake Diva♥
P.s I LUV ya blog. Random yet exciting!

Mike Brown said...

I didn't even know that pudding goes into the microwave.