Note book readers ;)


If this is my last post ever.....

 I wanna say, crap! This doomsday prediction is just a bunch of crap!!!!!!!!! NO ONE WILL KNOW WHEN THE END IS COMING!!!! NOT EVEN JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO THINK IT'S TRUE, TOUGH GARBANZOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really sorry, see what i mean by lashing out on people?? Well, if you were even thinking that this is true, STOP!!!! I bring truth!!!!!!! You might dye today, but it's not the end of the world! Bye!

All my luv,


Corrina <3<3


Jenna said...

This whole end of the world thing is a load of crap!!! I so agree with you!!!

Loulou said...

I AGREE! You are totally right! LOVE YOU AND DONT DIE!

Cliona said...

I think it's a load of crap too! I mean, what's so significant about 2012 anyway? Besides, they also predicted that the world was gonna end in 2000. Did that happen? No!

Paige Woiner said...

Yeah it's all a bunch of baloni :p
That man who sais it was just trying to get everyone all worked up and scared, and well it worked!

Anonymous said...

so right!!

catriona said...

Lol, I couldn't agree more :P

Shannon ( '_' ) said...

Oh no...the apocolipse has begun...gasp...LOL

♥Strawberry Cait Sorry I couldn't log in♥ said...

TOO RIGHT :P !Stupid!
LOL Shannon