Note book readers ;)


Facebook Yay!!!

  Hi! I'm getting a facebook!!!!!!!!! Yayayayayayayayaaaaaa! I'm yayin'! I am now going to do text symbols! Lol, :) <3 ;P OMGGGG! I'm done.

  So anyways, i already picked out my picture. It's of my face, Yay! And i know who is going to be on my friend request list! Cassidy, my dad, my aunt Vic, my aunt Pam, my cousin Katie, Krista, amber, miss Polly, and ozzy. That's my list so far. I might add in some of the youth girls too. Yeah, i might be the only person EVER to make a list of maybe-facebook-friends. Do any of you guys have facebook???? Well, bye!

All my luv,


Corrina <3<3


catriona said...

I have Facebook :D It's not bad... :/ Pretty awesome at first. Have fun facebooking!! XD

Jenna said...

Have fun on Facebook!! I have a Facebook, it's pretty cool!!

Loulou said...

HAve fun! I also was super duper excited when I got mine!! <3